Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Civil War or The War of Northern Aggression

Civil War Or The War of Northern Aggression

     1. Were Southern politicians more or less likely to own slaves than other white Southerners?
They were more likely because of the presents in the table above. Which states that 38% of all white southern family's own slaves and 68% state legislators own slaves. This shows that they are more likely to own slaves. 
    2. Were higher level politicians more likely to own slaves than other politicians?
They were less likely to own slaves. Out of all the southern Country officials only 53% owned slaves. But 68% of state legislators own slaves.  
    3. What do these facts suggest to you about the nature of the Southern political system?
   That the lower you were on the political rank the more slaves you had.
    4. How uniform were the proportion of slaves in the population and the proportion of whites          owning slave across the South?
The slave population was high compared to the owner ship in the Initial states to secede. Then it was almost even for States seceding latter, and the population was less then the ownership in the Remained in Unions.

    5.Was there a relationship between the number of slaves in a state's population and whether                   and when it seceded from the Union?
     Yes, in the states population was almost even in the middle section. In some states it was even and some it was pretty close to even.
    6. What material advantages did the North possess on the eve of the Civil War?
      The North had a lot over the south. The North had over double of Railroads, farm acres, workers, output, and Factories were through the roof compared to the south.
    7. Do you think material advantages are decisive in the outcome of wars? Why or why not?
     Yes and no I think that having material advantages are a decisive in the outcome of a war as long as you have the people to back up the factories or work the land to make money. I think this because if you have money or the right materials to fund the war then yeah you going to win but no because if you don't have the men to use your materials and to work you land to get more items or money to fund the war then whats the point of having so much stuff without the man power you wont win.
    8. Why did troop strength peak in 1863?
Can Not Be Determined from giving information from graphs.
    9. Do you think that the differences in troop strength were responsible for the war's                              outcome?
Yes, I think that the more troops that they had the more likely to win.
    10. How does the cost of the Civil War--in casualties and expense--compare to the cost of                  other American wars?
The American Wars had less causalities added all together then the Civil war. But the American wars cost a lot more then the Civil war. The Civil war was cheaper then wars to day. 
    11. Why do you think that the Civil War was so lethal?
I think the Civil war was so lethal because people wanted to have slaves and wanted what they wanted and would fight till the death for it. But more of all it was lethal because it was the state against state. And the country fighting itself.
    12. What was the radical Republican program for reconstructing the Union?
To take land of people that had over 200 acres or is worth more the $10,000. Then give 40 acres to every male freedman.
    13. What were the goals of the radical Republican program?
The goal was to pay debt and free people. "The property of the rebels shall pay our national debt, and indemnify freedmen and loyal sufferers."
    14. Why was the program unacceptable to President Andrew Johnson?
He said that they wanting to have one person watch over a town is absolute monarch and that he dose not want to end slavery but to degrade it.
    15. Why do you think the North failed to follow through with policies that would have secured           the rights and economic status of the freedmen?
    They failed to follow through because they didn't have  as many people as the south did also they were trying to take land that was not there's. The main reason was that people didn't want there land taken away so they fought back and the plan failed.  
    16. What were the major political and social achievements of Reconstruction?
    The Major reconstruction was blacks to not be slaves and be free.

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