Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Assignment #1--Cold War & Fear

To bomb your town click here.

The people that were alive and living during the Tsar Bomba were very afraid because they thought that they were going to get bombed at any time. Every night they were worrying if that would be the last night they laid there head on there pillow. OR that it would be the last night they would tuck there children in. Its all around them how they can get bombed like in the press and on T.V. Cartoons were made that said at any time the Souvet Union would bomb us. Former President Kendy said on T.V. that this is a serious topic. That we have plans and if they bomb us witch is a large possibility then we got a plan to get back at them. They also were afraid because the bomb took out a lot of area. Say if the bomb was dropped on Newport it would take out all the way to Burnham.

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