Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reagans Legcy

Reagan's Legacy

Visionary president is what Reagan has been described as. Reagan ended the long Cold war with Russia. Reagan ended the Cold war with out any guns fired. "If Ronald Reagan had not been President in the 1980s, the Cold War might have lasted longer and it might have ended on terms that were a lot less happy for the United States." (MICHAEL BESCHLOSS) Ronald Reagan knew that the Cold war was going to be a tough one to end so he went in with a strategy.

Ronald Reagan was a born leader. He went into his presidency with changes in mind for America. Reagan unlike most presidents went through and did all his changes that he had in mind. He had tax cuts and he wanted to create peace with Russia.

Some say Reagan was revolutionary others say he was a "great political change"(ANNELISE ANDERSON). Reagan did stop the cold war. Reagan did make America easier to live in. Reagan's legacy was the end of The Cold War. His legacy was being an "unconventional politician"(RICHARD NORTON SMITH).

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