Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Reagans Legcy

Reagan's Legacy

Visionary president is what Reagan has been described as. Reagan ended the long Cold war with Russia. Reagan ended the Cold war with out any guns fired. "If Ronald Reagan had not been President in the 1980s, the Cold War might have lasted longer and it might have ended on terms that were a lot less happy for the United States." (MICHAEL BESCHLOSS) Ronald Reagan knew that the Cold war was going to be a tough one to end so he went in with a strategy.

Ronald Reagan was a born leader. He went into his presidency with changes in mind for America. Reagan unlike most presidents went through and did all his changes that he had in mind. He had tax cuts and he wanted to create peace with Russia.

Some say Reagan was revolutionary others say he was a "great political change"(ANNELISE ANDERSON). Reagan did stop the cold war. Reagan did make America easier to live in. Reagan's legacy was the end of The Cold War. His legacy was being an "unconventional politician"(RICHARD NORTON SMITH).

What are the problems America faces?

The Reagan Video Clips

    1. What are the problems America faces?

    · Economic problems like long Inflation's or unemployment

    · Government is the problem

    2. What are Reagan's solutions?

    · He plans to "act today and not tomorrow"

    · Plans to put all Americans back to work

    · Plans to Make equality for everyone as in no bearers and no discrimination

    · "Free Americans from the terror of living cost"

    3. What makes Reagan effective here?
    Humor makes him effective.

    4. What does this reveal about Reagan? (Consider the saying: "Wit has truth in it.")
    This video reveals that Reagan has placed blame of the rescission on the Congress. This also reveals that he likes to use humor in his speeches.

    5. What policy decisions might Reagan make according to this?
    He wants to base things on hope, confidence and facts. He wants to help Russia, Korea, Vietnam and Persia. He says peace is based on strength.

    6. How did this event effect Reagan's role with the American public?
    I think that this showed that Reagan was not loved by some people like the shooter. I think this also showed people that even if your going to take a shot at Reagan he is not going down. That you cant get rid of him that easily.

    7. Who is the audience for this speech?
    Parents and the Sensitive people, also Christians and non-believers.

    8. What is the argument Reagan makes here?
    That we need to get rid of the dictators. We also need to defend our country.

    9. What do you think Reagan's agenda is in this speech?
    I think Reagan is trying to have people be neutral in there decisions about who is at fault for the nuclear freeze proposal. He also wants people to remove them selves from the struggle of right vs. wrong and good vs. evil.

    10. What is the message here?

    The message is that America is better now that Reagan was president and that you should vote for him again.

    11. How does the ad use Carter?
    The add uses Carter as a bad example of a president, saying that when he was president the country was in a bad spell.

    12. What does the ad suggest about the character/morals of the country?
    The add says that America is the best place to live. America is family friendly, it is a place with low taxes, and that America is a place of freedom.

    13. What is the criticism of Communism being offered here?

    Reagan is saying that the Communists Government was not letting there country be free. He was saying that they were controlling everything. He also said that because they stood there ground the Soviet Union will come back to the table.

    14. Do you think this was an effective speech?
    Yes, I think this speech was effective.

    15. Who is the audience for this broadcast?
    The audience is the people against America (the cause that Reagan is fighting for).

    16. What do you think the American people thought of this action and Reagan's explanation of it?
    I think the people were happy and agreed with Reagan’s actions.

    17. What was the foreign response, do you think?
    I think they Fought back.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Project

For my project i want to ask people how they feel about thanksgiving.

Im going to do a web site

First I will start with a paragraph of how it started and then i will ask people what they did when they were younger and what it means to them and some things they are thankful for.

Monday, November 2, 2009