Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The presidency of Bill Clinton

The presidency of Bill Clinton 1st term

   1992 to 2000



  • Attended Georgetown University, Yale Law School, Oxford University (England)

  • Married Hillary in 1975
  • Daughter Chelsea born in 1980

  • At age 32, Elected Governor of Arkansas, 1978

  • Defeated in 1980
  • Re-elected Governor in 1982 and served 10 years
  • Ran for President in 1992 for the Democratic Party
  • The 1st Democrat President in over 12 years-Defeated incumbent Republican George H.W.Bush and Independent Ross Perot--won 43% of the vote

  • Pushed for Homosexual men and women to be allowed to serve in the military---Congress later implemented "Don't ask,Don't tell" Policy

  • Created first official website in 1994
  • Signed the Brady Bill(Gun Control) into law 
  • Clinton supported the Controversial North America Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) allowing for free-trade between the U.S.,Canada and Mexico: This Bill passed the house and senate

  • Scandal-White House "Travel Gate"--Inappropriate use of travel funds

  • Perhaps the most controversial of Clinton's Domestic
    Legislature Agenda was pushing for a National Healthcare Plan-The task
    would be led by First Lady, Hillary Clinton

  • 1994 Congressional Elections---Republicans win big in the House and Senate. 

    Bill Clinton-2nd term


    -The end of Clinton's first term

     saw the Republican Party win a

    majority in the House and Senate


    -Democrat Bill Clinton began to drop

    more of his liberal agenda

    • National Health Care

    • adopted more moderate positions

      • Welfare reform

      • Tax cuts for lower income families & small businesses


    -In 1996 - Clinton ran for re-election

     defeating Republican Bob Dole

    Overwhelmingly with 70% of the Electoral vote




    -"White Water" Scandal- Faulty real-estate

    dealings in the 1970's & 1980's by both Bill and Hillary

    -Voted to impeach Clinton (only the 2nd U.S. President to be)

    -Charges of Perjury and Obstruction of Justice (Starr report)


    -Lied about relationship to Monica Lewinsky

    in a sworn deposition during a sexual

    harassment lawsuit ( Paula Jones)


    The Senate

    -Concluded the 21 day trial

    on Feb.12,1999 voting 'No'

    to impeachment


    Foreign Policy

    -The U.S. intervened in many areas

    of the Globe (militarily) during the 1990's


    -Clinton's Foreign Policy was based on

    Wilsonian "Idealism", or Collective Security (as opposed to Balance of Power)

    (Former President Woodrow Wilson)

  • -Somalia 1993 (begun by George H.W.Bush) "Black Hawk Down"
  • -Used U.S. Troops to keep Peace in the former Yugoslavia
    • -Bosnia (1995)
    • -Kosovo(1995) 
  • -Haiti-1995


Other details of the Clinton Presidency

  • -Appointed 2 Judges to Supreme Court (Breyer/Ginsberg)
  • Ginsberg ^
  • Breyer^
  • -China most favored Nation trade Status-1996
  • -Clinton issues 144 Pardons & 36 commutations on his last day of office
  • -Budgetary Surplus under President Clinton

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