Monday, May 24, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Video on Shelby Foote

This is the link if you would like to check out the video your self just copy and past link in to your URL.!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Civil War or The War of Northern Aggression

Civil War Or The War of Northern Aggression

     1. Were Southern politicians more or less likely to own slaves than other white Southerners?
They were more likely because of the presents in the table above. Which states that 38% of all white southern family's own slaves and 68% state legislators own slaves. This shows that they are more likely to own slaves. 
    2. Were higher level politicians more likely to own slaves than other politicians?
They were less likely to own slaves. Out of all the southern Country officials only 53% owned slaves. But 68% of state legislators own slaves.  
    3. What do these facts suggest to you about the nature of the Southern political system?
   That the lower you were on the political rank the more slaves you had.
    4. How uniform were the proportion of slaves in the population and the proportion of whites          owning slave across the South?
The slave population was high compared to the owner ship in the Initial states to secede. Then it was almost even for States seceding latter, and the population was less then the ownership in the Remained in Unions.

    5.Was there a relationship between the number of slaves in a state's population and whether                   and when it seceded from the Union?
     Yes, in the states population was almost even in the middle section. In some states it was even and some it was pretty close to even.
    6. What material advantages did the North possess on the eve of the Civil War?
      The North had a lot over the south. The North had over double of Railroads, farm acres, workers, output, and Factories were through the roof compared to the south.
    7. Do you think material advantages are decisive in the outcome of wars? Why or why not?
     Yes and no I think that having material advantages are a decisive in the outcome of a war as long as you have the people to back up the factories or work the land to make money. I think this because if you have money or the right materials to fund the war then yeah you going to win but no because if you don't have the men to use your materials and to work you land to get more items or money to fund the war then whats the point of having so much stuff without the man power you wont win.
    8. Why did troop strength peak in 1863?
Can Not Be Determined from giving information from graphs.
    9. Do you think that the differences in troop strength were responsible for the war's                              outcome?
Yes, I think that the more troops that they had the more likely to win.
    10. How does the cost of the Civil War--in casualties and expense--compare to the cost of                  other American wars?
The American Wars had less causalities added all together then the Civil war. But the American wars cost a lot more then the Civil war. The Civil war was cheaper then wars to day. 
    11. Why do you think that the Civil War was so lethal?
I think the Civil war was so lethal because people wanted to have slaves and wanted what they wanted and would fight till the death for it. But more of all it was lethal because it was the state against state. And the country fighting itself.
    12. What was the radical Republican program for reconstructing the Union?
To take land of people that had over 200 acres or is worth more the $10,000. Then give 40 acres to every male freedman.
    13. What were the goals of the radical Republican program?
The goal was to pay debt and free people. "The property of the rebels shall pay our national debt, and indemnify freedmen and loyal sufferers."
    14. Why was the program unacceptable to President Andrew Johnson?
He said that they wanting to have one person watch over a town is absolute monarch and that he dose not want to end slavery but to degrade it.
    15. Why do you think the North failed to follow through with policies that would have secured           the rights and economic status of the freedmen?
    They failed to follow through because they didn't have  as many people as the south did also they were trying to take land that was not there's. The main reason was that people didn't want there land taken away so they fought back and the plan failed.  
    16. What were the major political and social achievements of Reconstruction?
    The Major reconstruction was blacks to not be slaves and be free.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

local history Q-4

For my local history I want to create a video using the information about world war 2 or the great depression. In the video I want to use sound like clips of vieo and still images.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Civil War

Civil War

1.  Use evidence to describe the economic impact of casino ownership and gambling on Native American tribes.

Most Indian's are poor and the ones that aren't own casinos. The ones that own casinos make money on gambling.  "Less than a quarter of America's 557 Indian tribes own casinos, and only 48 tribes earn more than $10 million a year on gaming." The economic impact is that the Indians had to conform and build a casino just to live a normal life. The ones that live on reserve get sick and are unemployed. Indians that "live on reservations, have the highest rates of poverty, unemployment and disease of any ethnic group in America."

2.  What is the most significant problem of trying to understand the condition of the modern Native American population?

America "generalize about 2 million people who belong to more than 500 different tribes, each with its own history, each living in different circumstances -- peoples as varied as the Navajo of the Southwestern desert and the Lummi of Puget Sound." The biggest problem is that we put tribes in to one group(Indians), but they are different  from each other. Its like saying that a grape is a orange just because they are fruits.

3.  In what ways are Native Americans a unique minority group in the United States?  Do these reasons seem justified?

"They constitute the only minority group in America that has signed peace treaties with the U.S. government, the only ethnic group with a government agency -- the Bureau of Indian Affairs -- specifically devoted to its well-being." They have there own Bureau in the United States Government, that helps there well being. They are the only ones that have signed a peace treaties with the United States. They are unique because they have all these things that other ethnic groups don't have. I think that this is justified because they were here first. I know that was a long time ago but the Chinese were here first and neither were the African people. So I think that the reasons seem justified.

4.  Please find 4 specific examples of the sorts of events generalized in this paragraph.  For each specific example, include a hyperlink to a website explaining the specific event, and a summary of that event.
  1. Broken Treaties
This web site tells you how the Native Americans were forced to sigh the treaties and latter how the Americans broke the treaties.

This web site talks about how the Indian land was taken from them and how the Indians were forced to live on reserves.

3. Dispatching their children to boarding schools hundreds of miles from home
This web site is a Indian lady telling her story of being sent to a boarding school.  In this place she was beaten and mistreated.

4. Increasing funding for the BIA and, in fiscal 1996

This web site is Federal history web site and talks about how they were going to use the money and why they wanted the money. It also talks about other financial events in federal history.

5.  What is meant by the phrase 'diseases of the poor'?  What is the relationship between economics and health implied by that phrase?

Diseases of the poor means that diseases the usually people with a low income get.  More to do with hygiene is what comes to my mind. "And Indians are far more liable to succumb to diseases associated with the poor -- four times as likely to die of alcoholism, three times as likely to die of tuberculosis, nearly twice as likely to die of diabetes." The relationship is this part is saying that people who are poor are more likely to get sick. Because they have no money to pay for a doctor to tell them to take this pill to get rid of like the chickenpox or a vaccination.

6.  Is John McCain correct in his assessment of the treatment of Native Americans?  Why?

Yes, because we took there home. Earlier  in this essay it stated that
"Over the last 150 years, the government has tried a series of conflicting ways of dealing with the natives of this continent -- making war on them, making treaties with them, breaking treaties with them, sending them to Oklahoma, forcing them onto reservations, forcing them off reservations" We treat them like dirt and then try to make up for it, then mess it all up again.

7.  Please define each of the following terms in the context of Native American policy:
  • removal- Native Americans were pulled away form there home forcibly.
  • allotment- Native Americans were put on a descanted piece of land called reserves.
  • termination-  The Native Americans were taken out by the french.
  • relocation- Native American reserves, moved to land.
  • assimilation- The Native Americans were formed to be like the Americans and not who they were.
  • self-determination- The Native Americans had to be motivated and determined to get money for the BIA.

8.  Finally, give a paragraph summary on what self determination means, and why it either is, or is not, the appropriate policy for Native American people with respect to the Federal government.

    Self determination is when you personally are determined to go do something that you want to do. Its like being motivated for something. You are pumped to do what has to be done and will do what ever you have to so that you can get or hit your goal. If the Native American people are determined to respect the Federal government then I think its appropriate. Even though the Federal Government has hurt the Indian Nations doesn't mean that they have to hate American. Its good that the Native Americans what to Respect a country that didn't want to respect them. The golden rule that every one is taught is treat others the way you want to be treated. So if the Native Americans want to have self determined to have respect when they have never been respected is the way to be. 

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


America's Tragedy 
   Theodore Roosevelt once said "I should welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one". America  because of greed, a desire to control other country's, and a liking for war is imperialistic. However America seems imperialistic but improving equality of its citizens has made it a tragedy. America has willingly become a tragedy.
    America thinking that everything is theirs. "The Pacific is our ocean" (first article). Americans have this thought that everything is ours and no ones else. They fought for the Philippines because "The Philippines give us a base at the door of all the East" (first article). America had this mind set that we want what we want and we will get it no matter what. In reality the Americans just used the Philippines. Setting us up for the tragedy.
     America wanted to stop the revolts. America said that the Filipinos shot the first shot but Americans are the ones who did. Three years latter the revolts were ceased. A man said from the state of Washington "Our fighting blood was up, and we all wanted to kill 'niggers.' . . . This shooting human beings beats rabbit hunting all to pieces." America wanted to stop but the people were fighting for fun. America tried to help but ended up with "the idea prevailing that the Filipino as such was little better than a dog. . . . Our soldiers have pumped salt water into men to make them talk" Americans tried to help them but ended up hurting Filipinos and making them hate America more.
    America always solving conflicts by war. America just seined a treaty with Mexico but Europeans predicted "Mexico to easily defeat the United States in the Mexican war." (second article) Right after this war was over America went in to war with Spain over the Philippines. America asked for 200,000 volunteers because the army only consisted of 28,000 trained men. Volunteers had some trained men and mostly un-trained men. America had exhausted its people and its resource's. But to stop would show that we are weak so we kept fighting. America won but America only had the Philippines for a shot amount of time.

     America is founded on improving the equality of its citizens. The country of America has a Constitution and in that Constitution it gives its citizens rights. The right of speech; the right to have an equal vote in the government.  The Constitution states "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." In America you can go to church and express your religion freely. If you were in China and you said I believe in Jesus you would get in serious trouble. America is all about improving equality of its citizens of everyone.

    In conclusion you can see that America was really a tragedy. America caused its own tragedy buy thinking everything is theirs, wanting to stop revolts, and fighting other country's too much. America is trying to help others when really they are the ones who need help the most. America is killing it self slowly just like the the tree in the book The Giving Tree. America is giving all it has and it will have nothing left but a spot on the map when they are done helping other country's.