Thursday, January 28, 2010

Local History Q-3

I was thinking about typing up a letter that my great grand mother gave me. The letter is about what she remembers about the Great depression. Maybe put it in to a video of some kind.

Research Project Q-3

I want to do my Research Project with Audrey Raye. We are going to talk about the Career Pathways and Warrior time. Also talk about how many people have aim, yahoo, Facebook, or Myspace.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Essay On E

Essay On Emmitt Till's Murder


    The president of the United States asked Emmitt Till's mother to close the casket. He was using his authority as president to have her close the casket. The sheriff wouldn't take in the men and he knew that the men had killed Emmitt Till but the boy killed was black so it didn't matter. The jury was all white and if those men killed a white man they would have found the killers guilty but they let them go because the boy killed was black. The jury, the President, the Sheriff let the men go because they killed a black boy but if he was white they would have been killed for sure.
    The violence in the case of Emmitt Till is racial. The fact that he whistled at a white girl wasn't why he was killed. He was killed because he was BLACK. Him being black was the reason for him being killed. Him whistling was just a cover up for killing a black boy. They felt like he should die because he was black so they killed him! It wasn't just one man that killed him it was a group. This was a racial crime. Individually he was killed because he whistled at the white woman. Institutionally it was because he was black and they wanted to show other    blacks that the whites are in charge. 

    Emmitt Tills Mother wants to keep it open as a statement.  She wants people to realize that racism needs to stop. She wanted to show the hate crime that had happened to her son. This will keep on happening if no one stands up against hate and what the white people were doing. That she didn't really hate them because it would make her just like them. She just wanted justice for all, black or white.

civil rights




I ask you friends do we need more violence? Do we need to treat them like they are treating us? No we do not. We don't need to return the violence they have given us.  We should follow Martian Luther King for he speaks the truth. We need a leader that wants to approach black equality in a non-violent way. The way that God says when they smack you turn the other cheek so they can smack you again. "But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Matthew 5:39 We should do that of what he speaks of. We should do what he preaches about. We should follow Martin Luther King. People say that you can not have civil rights with a non-violent movement. Lets do the unspeakable and have a non-violent movement. Jesus died for the enemy with out a fight. Lets get our freedom with no violence. With no more hurt! With no more hate! With no more death.  Lets get out and do something about our freedom. Lets follow Martian Luther King, the man who follows GOD.  Malcolm X is wrong for wanting to hurt the whites. Its just going to make them hurt us more.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Local History

For my local History project I am going to take photos of the reconstruction of the Indian lake market and ask the owner 10 or 12 questions about the store and its history.