Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Video #1

  1. WHAT DO YOU THINK IS CHANGING IN AMERICA, FROM ARCHIE'S POINT-OF-VIEW?                                                                             The change of his point of view is colored people being made to do things they don't want to do. Like Sammy being made to kiss a white person. Also Archie has the old way of mind. He thinks that woman should to the house work and should wait on him hand and foot. Like his wife getting him beer and he like get me a glass to. He said get me a beer not could you please get me a beer. Also latter on in the clip Archie was racist he was acting like Sam was different when he really isn't hes just "colored" (Archie called him that). He also would drink after his white friend but when Sam drank out of his beer 2 times he thought about it and wouldn't drink after him. He slowly put the beer back down.  

          They are saying hes is racist. They do this by singing the Patriotic Song. Archie's Daughter and Son-in-law put themselves into the conversation, so they could make a point.
Video #2


    Whats changing in the clip is that the black people are moving up in society and are getting a better place to live. They are finally getting there"piece of there pie". The music is also changing its like a deep southern gospel.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009



What the real threat to America is, according to Carter, and is that threat still with us today?

"True problems of our Nation are much deeper—deeper than gasoline lines or energy shortages" He says that the problem is deeper then gas or energy. We are suffering from "moral and a spiritual crisis". We are consuming more then we produce.  "Our neck is stretched over the fence and OPEC has a knife." Hes saying that we are over importing and we are so dependent on other country's  that at any point they can cut us off and we would be done. We America would be suffering and lost with out the oil. The problem is " a fundamental threat to American democracy....... We can see this crisis in the growing doubt about the meaning of our own lives and in the loss of a unity of purpose for our Nation. " That is the threat, Americans losing there say in Government. I think that the threat is still here today and there always will be the threat of us loosing our say in the goverment. "But just as we are losing our confidence in the future, we are also beginning to close the door on our past."

Summarizing what Carter is saying about American society, and analyzing America today against his critique.
    Carter is saying that America has changed. America has changed from loving God to loving themselves. America had gone from being hard workers to lazy people who aren't very good workers and that just don't car. We now find joy in items and material goods instead of what we did for others. "For the first time in the history of our country a majority of our people believe that the next 5 years will be worse than the past 5 years. Two-thirds of our people do not even vote." More and more people are disrecspecting churches, the goverment, schools, and anything and everything. People just dont care about anyhting such as our future anymore. "This is not a message of happiness or reassurance, but it is the truth and it is a warning"
How do the plans differ, and how are they alike?   How do their plans reveal what they think the problem really is?


Obamas plan is to cut industries that are clean powered "We will lead again, by developing an American clean energy industry"(Obama's web site).Carter doesn't day anything about that topic. Carter talks about saving gas by car pooling, Obama just wants to use fuel efficient cars. Both plans want to import less and relay on our country resources not other country. "From now on, every new addition to our demand for energy will be met from our own production and our own conservation. "(Carter) Obama said " We can remain one of the world's leading importers of foreign oil, or we can make the investments that would allow us to become the world's leading exporter of renewable energy." There plans also reveal that they can only do as much as congress lets them. So if the congress is like no no no you cant do that the president just has to try it a different way.