Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What is the role of banks and financial institutions in America?

What is the role of banks and financial institutions in America?

The role of banks is to lend money so that people can buy houses, a car or something they want. When the banks lend you money you pay a little money each month and at the end you end up paying more then you borrowed.

Block Current America

Block: Term Securities lending facility

Web site
also I used this is the better web site.

This allows "primary delears"(from website listed above) to borrow money for 28 days from the treasury. The Securities lending Facility holds a weekly auction "*for basket of securities in $10 million increments." ( from website listed above.")

*"for basket of securities in $10 milloin increments"- this means that the primary delears can bid on the right to borrow money from the treasury in amounts of $10 million.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Research Project

Group: Kayla DeRaps, Marya Bailey, Audrey Raye

We want to research about Joe Wilson calling Obama a liar during a health care speech. We are not sure what we are going to do with the information yet.

20% project

For my 20% project I want to research the history of nursing. How they did stuff when nursing first began and how they do stuff now. I want to make a time line but im not realy sure maby a video.

Local History

For my local history project I would like to barrow photographs from an older person I know and scan them. Also I will ask the person some questions then make a page or poster.